Friday, July 12, 2024

10 Cubed: a Small but Powerful Superhero RPG

Despite all my grumbling about the conflict with my play testers, Little Colony is getting better. Some new ideas have come out of the recent debates that continue to improve the game. I am still going diceless. I won't change that unless some really compelling play testing convinces me otherwise.


I did in one of my posts mention that resolution mechanics weren't that tricky. Stating that I had created many in the past. Case in point, I found this laying around on my hard drive. It's a 6 page (8 with title page and character sheet) superhero RPG that uses a 2d6 roll high mechanic. It's pretty good, if I do say so myself, and I had forgotten all about it. The game is called 10 Cubed.

It's been quite some time since I shared an original free RPG. So, here you go. (Just to prove that I still love ya!) This should make the fans of the more traditional RPGs out there pretty happy. 10 Cubed is something that I had worked on a few years ago (2020), and just rediscovered.


(In searching for an image to decorate this post, I found that 10 Cubed is also a beer. Neat!)

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