Thursday, July 25, 2024

Justice League Vs Godzilla Vs Kong Issue #7 - The Final Issue

Warning Spoilers!

The final issue begins by explaining Clark / Superman's disappearance. Batman and Cyborg worked together to combine tech from the Justice League Satellite Teleporter and the Mother Box to teleport Superman's body to the sun for a super charge. Which worked.


In the meantime, we finally learn the fate of Toyman. Pretty much the moment that he touched down in Metropolis with his new "toys," Godzilla stepped on him, crushing him to death. I really like this reveal. It speaks to the danger that has always been inherent in magic that is powerful enough to grant wishes. It always comes at a price that is way too high. Toyman paid that price with his life. As for the Dreamstone? It's missing.


So here we are for the big final battle. All the monsters, and the mechs, and the supers, converged in Metropolis for a final mega battle, and it doesn't look too great for the heroes ... but Clark has a plan.


Now Clark is back and he realizes that the best chance the supers have of stopping all the titans who have invaded this DCU earth is to set Godzilla free and let him do his job. His plan is pretty similar to how it worked in the latest Godzilla X Kong movie: make the king of the titans mad and point him in the right direction.


Will Superman and Godzilla arrive in time? Will they be enough to stop the combined might of the other titans and the Legion of Doom? Maybe? Maybe not. But, the writers have one final surprise up their sleeve and I did not see this coming. Remember that Grodd killed Guy Gardner?



When a Green Lantern is killed in action, its ring goes out and finds the most worthy new ring bearer that it can. Who does Guy Gardner's ring find. Who among all present is the most worthy? Surprise! It's Kong!!


And ... Now, Superman and Godzilla make it to the scene of the battle and the tide quickly turns. This is the grand finale we've been promised!


With the villains and titans defeated, Superman uses the Dreamstone to send the titans back where they came from. Wait? What? Where did Superman get the Dreamstone? When he freed Godzilla he found it lodged in the bottom of the titan's foot! As for Superman using the Dreamstone? I like this too, because he only undoes what the Dreamstone did. He doesn't make any new or selfish wishes. He doesn't try for example to bring Toyman or Guy Gardner back to life.


This wraps the story in a pretty much happily ever after fashion and I for one was very satisfied. If you are interested, I believe that the entire 7 issue run of Justice League Vs Godzilla Vs Kong is available as a trade paperback. I read mine as individual Kindle editions.



  • The Fate of Toyman
  • Kong Green Lantern
  • DC Comics Presents: Superman and Godzilla
  • The satisfying conclusion


  • Sadly, it's an Elseworlds story. So, we are unlikely to see these characters brought together again.

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