Working two jobs and rehearsing every night was wearing me out. I thought that working just one job full time would be better than 2 jobs part time. So, I decided to do something about it.
I told my boss at TU that I wanted to go full time. I told him that I would be telling this to my other employer as well and that the first one to hire me full time would get me. I felt that both of my employers valued my work. So, I hoped one of them might take me up on this offer. My boss at TU said that he would get back to me.
I made the same offer to my boss at the Center. They too said that they would get back to me. And they did, before the end of my work day they told me that I was hired full time and would start in that position on Monday. (I think it was a Wednesday.)
When I got to TU the next morning, my boss there told me that I was hired as full time in the computer department at TU. The TU job carried a lot of perks, good insurance, the ability to attend classes for free ... a lot. I should have taken that job. But, that wasn't the deal. I had promised to go to work full time for the first employer who offered me a position. The Center offered first. I took that job and turned down the opportunity at TU.
I have often wondered about this decision. In many ways, it wasn't the wisest choice. But, I stood by my promise and went to work for the Center. If I had not done that, I would not have married my first wife. I would not have adopted my wonderful daughter Kaylee. I would never have met Julie, because my life would have been completely different.
I don't regret the path that I took or the choices that I have made. I am happily married. I have my fantastic daughter who is just getting ready to begin her sophomore year in college. I live in a beautiful house in Michigan with my beautiful wife and our 2 cats. And when I think back on things as I write about them here, I can smile. I can smile because I am pleased by a life well lived.
I'm glad you are happy with your choices that brought you to me and gave Kaylee to both of us!