Thursday, August 22, 2024

Status Report

Busy couple of days. 

Went out to pick up a board game called Harvest at our FLGS. Then out to dinner at our favorite Mexican Restaurant. That was yesterday. 

Today, I went out to breakfast with my daughter. She is going back to college on Saturday. So, it was cool to have some father/daughter bonding time. Then home for a nap. I didn't sleep well. Not sure if the late Mexican food from the night before is to blame for that, but it's certainly true that I can't eat like I could when I was young. 

Tepache (Mexican Fermented Pineapple Drink)

I tried a new drink made from fermented pineapple juice, which is supposed to be good for you, but I think it gave my stomach some fits. It was very sweet and delicious and fizzy. It's supposedly full of probiotics which are good for gut health, but my gut's not used to being healthy. So, I think it just got confused. 

After my nap I had to go to physical therapy, then after that out again to see some old friends who were in from out of town. We had some really good Chinese Food (which is hard to find in western Michigan) and then lots of good conversation. I just got home. No time to blog, so please accept this status report instead.

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